Home Bureaucracy Appointments Priyanka’s jibe on Modi’s ‘Rs 21 donation’ may play up tried-tested c’monner...

Priyanka’s jibe on Modi’s ‘Rs 21 donation’ may play up tried-tested c’monner V/s dynasty narrative


Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi has sparked controversy by criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his donation of Rs 21 in an envelope during his visit to the Bhagwan Devnarayan temple, a place of worship for the Gurjar in Rajasthan. This move, seen by some as an attempt to question the Prime Minister's humble family background, has the potential to become a weapon in the upcoming campaign.

While Gandhi's criticism might be viewed as a political move, it could open the door for Prime Minister Modi to address issues related to the Gandhi family's alleged corruption. It has raised questions among political observers as to whether this could be akin to the infamous ‘neech' or ‘Chaiwala PM' moment when Modi used personal attacks on his opponents to sway voters in the BJP's favor.

The temple visit and subsequent criticism has ignited a of words between the Congress and the BJP, with both parties exchanging barbs and accusations. This incident might serve as a rallying point for the BJP, allowing them to emphasize Modi's modest beginnings and portray him as a symbol of the common man.

It remains to be seen how this controversy will play out in the run-up to the elections and whether it will significantly impact the political landscape in Rajasthan and beyond. As election season approaches, the focus may shift towards a more intense battle of words and strategies between the political rivals

Addressing a political rally at Sikrai (Dausa) Priyanka Gandhi said on Friday – “I saw on TV, I don't know whether it is true or not, Prime Minister visited Devnarayan ji's temple some time ago and left an envelope. I saw on TV that after 6 months the envelope given by the Prime Minister was opened, the public was wondering God knows what would be in this envelope? Such big leaders of the country had come, he left with an envelope. When the envelope was opened, Rs 21 found in it. Now tell me, in a way, this is what is happening in the country. Big announcements are being made, various envelopes are being shown while standing on the stage. When you open those envelopes, when the elections are over and the time comes to show your , nothing happens. The wording of Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project (ERCP) was also given to you in a similar manner.”

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