HomeBureaucracyIRTS Lalit Bohra picked for SC panel on Great Indian Bustard

IRTS Lalit Bohra picked for SC panel on Great Indian Bustard

Lalit Bohra, a 1998-batch Railway Traffic Service officer, has been included in the expert committee set up by Supreme Court to balance the conservation and protection of the endangered Great Indian Bustard bird with the country's international commitments to promote renewable sources of energy.

Other members of the committee include  Director, Wildlife Institute of ; wildlife and forest conservation experts, including Hari Shankar Singh, Niranjan Kumar Vasu, B. Majumdar, and Devesh Ghadvi and joint secretary with the the ministry.

An alumnus of IIT Mumbai, Lalit Bohra is the right pick for the committee as he belongs to western Rajasthan where most of the renewable projects are being set up. He knows the territory better than many and would be instrumental in presenting a practical solution to conservation of Great Indian Bustard population. His interest in conservation issues may come handy while preparing the report.

The large-winged birds are on the brink of extinction, with one of the causes being frequent collision with high-powered cables running adjacent to its core habitats in Gujarat and Rajasthan.

The objective of the panel would be to determine the scope, extent and feasibility of underground and overhead electric lines in areas identified as priority spots for the birds in Rajasthan and Gujarat.

The committee will explore alternatives to balance sustainable development goals and conservation of the birds.

“It could recommend additional measures to identify additional priority areas. The panel has to file its report in the apex court on or before July 31,” said a committee member.

Who is Lalit Bohra?

Lalit Bohra is currently working as joint secretary in the ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE). He is an IRTS on central deputation. In his previous assignments, he has served as chief commercial manager, chief general manager Concor and chief public relations officer of north-western Railways among other important postings.

Prakash Bhandari
Prakash Bhandarihttps://www.thebuckstopper.com/
Prakash Bhandari is a veteran journalist with over 50 years of experience. He has worked with The Times of India for 30 years and contributed to leading publications as well as international news agency AFP.
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