Home Bureaucracy IAS KK Pathak and Rohit Gupta get additional charges

IAS KK Pathak and Rohit Gupta get additional charges

After superannuation of Rajeshwar Singh, KK Pathak and Rohit Gupta get additional charges of post Singh was handling as additional charges


Dr KK Pathak, a 2001 batch IAS officer, who is serving as secretary finance (revenue) has been given additional charge of Tax Board – the post which got vacant due to superannuation of

The responsibility of chairman Rajasthan Tax Board was with Singh as an additional charge. He retired as chairman revenue board – the post which had been given as additional charge to Dinesh Kumar, who is currently serving as revenue.

Rohit Gupta, a 2006 batch IAS officer, who is serving as commissioner industries and Bureau of ProMotion (BIP) has been given additional charge of chairman Rural Non farm 

Sector Development Agency (RUDA). This post also got vacant due to superannuation of Rajeshwar Singh, who was handling this as an additional charge.

Rohit Gupta has resumed his services last month only after a year long study leave. He had gone to pursue Master in Public Policy. 

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