Home Politics and Current Affairs Crime Five burnt alive, four injured in fire at Jaipur chemical factory

Five burnt alive, four injured in fire at Jaipur chemical factory

A devastating fire accident happened at a chemical factory in Jaipur where five people burnt alive while four sustained severe burn injuries


burnt alive and four sustained severe burn injuries in a at chemical factory in . The accident took place in a factory at Bassi, located 30 kms from Jaipur. The injured have been referred to .

The accident took place in the evening and fire tenders were pushed into the factory to douse the fire. The accident is said to have happened due to blast in the broiler. There were 40 labourers working in the factory. Out of that five came in direct contact of broiler and were burnt alive.

According to eye witnesses, the deceased have not been identified as their body have  been badly charred. When the blast happened, there was rampage in the factory with people running for their lives. 

The negligence of factory management was quite evident with the fact that the fire fighting system in the factory was  out of work. The fire could not be dealt with till the time didn't come.

According to factory workers, the reason for the blast is unknown and police will investigate the reason behind the blast.

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