Home Bureaucracy Despite Act in place, Jaipur Water Supply board still in limbo

Despite Act in place, Jaipur Water Supply board still in limbo

Jaipur Water Supply and Sewerage Board Act was passed in October 2018. Still the board is confined in papers. There is a dire need to constitute this board for proper water and sewerage management

Despite Act in place, Jaipur Water Supply board still in limbo

At a time when Jaipur is being plagued with drinking water and sewerage problems, an Act passed by assembly is hanging fire since 2018.

The Rajasthan government has enacted Jaipur Water Supply and Sewerage Board Act in 2018 to provide a holistic and integrated approach to the management of water supply and sewerage systems in Jaipur city. 

Despite the Act in place, the government has failed to constitute the board which could have been one-stop solution to drinking water supply and waste management. There has been no action for implementation of provisions of Act on ground. While Eastern River Canal Project is set to quench thirst of 15 districts, Jaipur Water Supply and Sewerage Board will be ensure proper water management of Jaipur city and its burgeoning population.

“There are multiple agencies in Jaipur involved in water supply and sewerage management. These include PHED, Nagar Nigam, JDA, RUDSICO, RUIDP and Housing Board. No agency wants to give away with the control over water supply and sewerage management. So, due to inter-agency scuffle, the Act has not been able to come out from papers,” said a senior IAS officer involved in drafting the Act. 

He said that the constitution of board is aimed at fulfilling the future requirements of Jaipur, which is growing at fast pace. 

“Proper water supply and sewerage management is needed to cater to the demand of growing population. Provisions for good quality water supply, water conservation, rain water harvesting recharge of ground water, revising water tariff in a progressive manner, reuse of waste water, water audit and control of non revenue water are required. This Act was constituted keeping in mind all these elements,” he said.

There are many cities in the country where water supply and sewerage management is being done by separate board like Maharashtra Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board, Dehi Jal Board, Hyderabad Water Supply and Sewerage Board and Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board.

“This year Bengaluru faced an unprecedented water crisis, exacerbated by prolonged drought and erratic rainfall. The city with its growing population of over one 140 million was grappling with severe water shortages. The newly appointed chairman of Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board Dr V Ram Prasath Manohar transformed the city's water management approach, turning an imminent disaster opportunity for development and long-term resource management,” said the IAS officer. 

The board could implement advanced and AI and IoT based systems to conserve water and reduce the wastage. As there was no political or administrative hurdle, the board independently took fast decisions to save Bengaluru from getting dried up. 

Constitution of Jaipur Water Supply and Sewerage Board

The board, as per the Act, shall have a chairman and other official and non official members not exceeding 15 persons. There shall be a managing , who is an officer not below the rank of joint or an expert in the water sector. 

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